Community owners, Airport, Trains, LJ_Scribe, Free vgifts for Paid users
Update on community owners
We wanted to let you know that we ran into some unexpected issues when the script processed some communities. As a result, the script has been halted while we investigate and correct these issues. For now, communities remain locked in terms of adding maintainers and deleting/renaming communities. We'll be sure to keep you apprised of further updates right here. |
Trains, planes, and automobiles (that was last week)
We're delighted to see thousands of you already playing Sim Hospital and Farm Frenzy. This week, we've added two new beta games to help you idle away the hours on LiveJournal! Check out Airport and launch your career as an aviation tycoon. If you've got a thing for railroads or the Wild West, mosey on down to Trains. You can check out all of our new games in the Game Center. |
Introducing LJ_Scribe
We have so many awesome writers on LiveJournal that we decided it was time to try our hand at another creative contest to honor our talented logophiles. Each week, we'll give you a prompt and ask you to complete a short poem, a one-sentence story, a haiku, an obituary, a bumper sticker, a limerick (i.e., we'll keep it open). We'll choose weekly winners based on +1 ratings. The top three writers will receive 500 LJ Tokens. For our inaugural contest, we'll ask you to compose a riveting, one-sentence novella that begins as follows: "The undertaker smirked ..." Please post your entries (rather than comments) to |
Did you know?
We recently took an informal office poll and realized that most of us hadn't updated our interests in years. Keeping your interest list relevant is a great way to make and find friends on LiveJournal. Here's how to update your interests:
If you have a paid or permanent account, you can send five free surprise gifts now until Monday, February 14th, at 4pm, PDT! These surprise gifts will open on February 14th. You'll see both the free and the $0.99 gifts displayed until you've delivered them to your friends. If you're not receiving vgifts (from friends and/or Frank), you may have disabled them. To enable vgifts, visit Edit profile (under Profile), scroll down to the bottom of the page, and check your settings. Enjoy! |
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